Ware Graduation 2022

The Literacy Project is a rural program, serving towns in Franklin and Hampshire Counties of beautiful western Massachusetts. With 5 classroom locations stretched over 1400 square miles, it’s sometimes hard to find a central place to gather.

So this year, we were delighted to offer a graduation ceremony right in the town of Ware, making it easier for the families and friends of our Ware graduates to witness the festivities.

Education and Career Advisor Jess Fraga, along with Site Director RJ Ferullo and Instructor Andrew Roberts, created a moving ceremony to honor the graduates. The speakers (both staff and students) were excellent, and students were presented with both a diploma and a citation of achievement from the Massachusetts State Senate, courtesy of Senator Anne Gobi. The turnout was excellent: with standing room only, we began a new tradition that we are eager to build on next year.

Here are some photos from the day, taken by Photographer Amanda Bish.

We heard inspirational words from Literacy Project staff members Jess Fraga, Judith Roberts, RJ Ferullo, Andrew Roberts, and student graduates Maddy and Pedro.

Ware Town Manager Stuart Beckley presented diplomas to the graduates.

The graduates were glowing with well-deserved pride!

Even on a rainy day, it was a beautiful celebration!

Congratulations to all of the graduates!