Graduation Speaker Debbie Gonzalez
Here’s the full text of Debbie’s graduation speech:
Hello everyone. My name is Debbie Gonzalez, also known as The Phoenix.
If someone would have told me 1 year ago that I would be graduating, I would have told them they are full of BS. Stop lying.
Words can't describe how it feels to be standing here. After 18 yrs, 3 schools, and my son's famous words, “Look Ma, I did what you didn't and that is graduate.” Those words ripped my heart from my chest but also gave me hope to try again with The Literacy Project. Now I'm giving my graduation speech, saying to my son, “You're eating your words today. Don't doubt mom!!!”
I'm so thankful to The Literacy Project for helping me achieve this great accomplishment. For making me feel safe and comfortable in the classroom after facing a difficult time. I want to thank my awesome and persistent teacher Beth. She's helped me in so many ways. Especially in math when frustration kicked in and I wanted to throw out the binder.
The Literacy Project has helped all of us; whether it was being part of The Literacy Project family, bonding with classmates, funders providing us with a chromebook and this educational start, bringing us opportunities with Masshire Career Center and Greenfield Community College.
We all have great paths to follow and amazing things to do. This diploma is the first step to the brighter future we seek. Thank you, Literacy Project staff !!! We all faced obstacles, emotions and problems, but it didn't stop us and our teachers didnt stop believing in us. We should be proud of ourselves. We are able to make a greater future for generations to come, to further our goals and aspirations.
This diploma is going to open doors I never imagined – the amazing things I will accomplish, the successful person I will become. I will be able to give back what TLP has given me and much more.
I want to recognize the people who went above and beyond for me and they are: Joshua, Janet, Judith and my brilliant teacher Beth. Thanks for welcoming me to the TLP family!!
It wasn't an easy road for us students but look where we are today – about to graduate and about to live the best life from here. Thank you to my kids for the hope and encouragement.
Always remember you're never too old and it's never too late. Knowledge is power. We are a force that can't be reckoned with. Yes, I said a force that can't be reckoned with. We earned and deserve this. We did it. Congrats classmates of 2022!! We are graduating. Woooooohooooooo!!!!!!!!
Thanks! – Debbie G.
Debbie receiving her diploma from State Director of Adult Education Wyvonne Stevens-Carter and TLP Executive Director Judith Roberts.
Debbie (right) with her teacher Beth Byrne (center) and fellow classmate and graduate Christine (left).