The Literacy Project- north quabbin
18 South Main Street, Orange, MA 01364
Fall 2024 Class Schedule for North Quabbin, in Orange
Basic Skills
Monday, 10:00AM - 12 Noon (online)
Tuesday & Thursday (In Person)
10:00AM - 2:00 PM
High School Equivalency
Tuesday & THURSDAY (In Person)
10:00AM - 2:00 PM
High School Equivalency online - Morning
Monday & Wednesday (online)
10:00am - 12:00 Noon
High School Equivalency online - Afternoon
Tuesday & Wednesday (Online)
4:00pm - 6:00 PM
Winter Weather Policy
The North Quabbin Site closes when either Mahar Regional or Athol/Royalston schools close for winter weather. If there is a delay in either district, we open at 10:00 a.m. You can check for cancellations on the site's outgoing phone message, facebook page, or local radio stations WHAI (98.3 FM) and WJDF (97.3 FM).
North Quabbin Staff
Catherine King
North Quabbin Site Director/Instructor
Addrianna Torres
North Quabbin Education and Career Advisor
Charlie Kerrigan
North Quabbin Instructor
How to find us & where to park:
The North Quabbin site is located on South Main Street in Orange. Parking is available on the street or across Main Street in the public parking lot.
contact the North Quabbin site
It’s your turn!