Reflections on Volunteering With The Literacy Project
“To contribute in this way... it feels like I’m the one receiving the gift...”
“Tutoring was by far the most rewarding thing I have done in a while, and it was wonderful both to be able to help students and to find out more about members of the community.”
“It’s an amazing program that treats the students like adults without belittling them.”
“I found this to be a life-changing experience and have now embarked on a new career in teaching English as a Second Langauge as a result!”
“Volunteering for The Literacy Project was one of the most worthwhile things I have done in my life.”
“I can’t thank you enough for giving me this opportunity. I am a better person because of it and I have found new faith in life.”
“The experience was extremely valuable. Each individual came to The Literacy Proiject with an amazing life story, and they were an inspiration to me.”
“Volunteering gave me a lot of insight into the Greenfield community and into the emerging issues in literacy/GED education.”
“It was very fulfilling. I found myself relearning things I had forgotten and it was gratifying when a student would suddenly get it!”
“Literacy is such a gift – and the students are so motivated. You can make such a difference by showing up and caring.”
“I loved volunteering at The Literacy Project because of the first rate teachers and students. It was great to see students and teachers inspire each other. Under the direction of the teachers, a magical experience happened each week.”
“Here’s my advice for new volunteers: be prepared to learn as much as you teach.”