Julia Mines, Executive and Leadership Coach and Consultant, volunteered her professional services for The Literacy Project in Spring 2017. Here she reflects on what the experience has meant to her.
I know that the success stories of TLP students who overcome terrible hardships - with often insurmountable odds - to simply get to school moves our community.
But I am moved, too, by the teachers, staff and volunteers at TLP.
“I am moved, too, by the teachers, staff and volunteers at TLP.”
Their commitment. Their passion to do good and do right. Their willingness to do this very challenging work while always facing funding cuts - because they believe this work matters, because it changes lives, because it changes their own lives.
They're courageous, have stamina and tremendous vision. Sometimes they hold entire communities together with their ceaseless work.
“Sometimes they hold entire communities together with their ceaseless work. ”
Anyone who knows TLP knows that the organization's very survival is made possible by the people who work at TLP.
So, for me to contribute in this way, give a gift that I actually can give; well, it feels like I'm the one receiving the gift -- because I feel inspired, uplifted, hopeful.
“For me to contribute in this way ...it feels like I’m the one receiving the gift. ”